Results for 'Pau Bossacoma Busquets'

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  1.  27
    Morality and Legality of Secession: A Theory of National Self-Determination.Pau Bossacoma Busquets - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores secession from three normative disciplines: political philosophy, international law and constitutional law. The author first develops a moral theory of secession based on a hypothetical multinational contract. Under this contract theory, injustices do not determine the existence of a right to secede, but the requirements to exercise it. The book’s second part then argues that international law is more inclined to accept and advance a remedial right approach to secession. Therefore, justice as multinational fairness is to be (...)
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    Bossacoma Busquets, Pau (2020). Morality and Legality of Secession. A Theory of National Self-Determination. Palgrave Macmillan (Springer) (Federalism and Internal Conflicts). 386 pages. [REVIEW]Anna Meine - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (18):285-290.
    In his new book, Pau Bossacoma Busquets combines political theory and philosophy with perspectives from international and constitutional law and a variety of empirical, historical and contemporary case studies. Thereby, he presents a new theoretical framework for discussing the Morality and Legality of Secession in general and various theoretical, institutional and practical challenges presented by movements for independence in particular.
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    Bossacoma Busquets, Pau (2020). Morality and Legality of Secession: A Theory of National Self-Determination.Oriol Farrés Juste - 2020 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 65:161.
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  4. Presence or Meaning in Pau Pedragosa 25 Architecture.Pau Pedragosa - 2018 - Architecture Philosophy 3 (1).
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    Entre la diferencia y la paz: el espacio de la tolerancia en el de civitate Dei.Pedro Busquet Tres - 2000 - Augustinus 45 (178-79):327-350.
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    Gymnastics Experience Enhances the Development of Bipedal-Stance Multi-Segmental Coordination and Control During Proprioceptive Reweighting.Albert Busquets, Blai Ferrer-Uris, Rosa Angulo-Barroso & Peter Federolf - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Performance and control of upright bipedal posture requires a constant and dynamic integration of relative contributions of different sensory inputs (i. e., sensory reweighting) to enable effective adaptations as individuals face environmental changes and perturbations. Children with gymnastic experience showed balance performance closer to that of adults during and after proprioceptive alteration than children without gymnastic experience when their center of pressure (COP) was analyzed. However, a particular COP sway can be achieved through performing and coordinating different postural movements. The (...)
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    Informed consent: A study of patients with life-threatening illnesses.Montserrat Busquets & Jordi Caïs - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (4):430-440.
    Background: The relationship between healthcare professionals and patients in the Spanish health sector has undergone dramatic change. One aspect of this is that the use of informed consent has become a key factor in the delivery of adequate healthcare. But although a certain period of time has already passed since informed consent started to be used, in Spain there is still doubt about how adequately informed consent is being used. Objectives: (a) To look at how patients understand the notion and (...)
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  8. La audiencia infantil de televisión en España. Ni tan escasa ni tan uniforme.Jordi Busquet, Alejandro Perales & Pedro Reinares - 2009 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 81:129-141.
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  9. La violencia en los medios de comunicación.Jordi Busquets - 2006 - In Michael Cheng-Teh Tai, Begoña Román & Cristian Palazzi (eds.), Hacia una sociedad responsable: reflexiones desde las éticas aplicadas. [Cabrils, Spain]: Prohom. pp. 189--196.
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  10. The Principlist Approach in Bioethics.Ester Busquets & Lydia Feito - 2024 - In Irene Cambra-Badii, Ester Busquets, Núria Terribas & Josep-Eladi Baños (eds.), Bioethics: foundations, applications, and future challenges. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business, A Science Publishers Book.
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    El dolor y la imaginación, dos vivencias en los límites de la conciencia.Pau Pedragosa - 2019 - Isegoría 60:189.
    Desarrollamos un análisis comparativo de las vivencias del dolor físico y de la imaginación desde la perspectiva fenomenológica. Partimos de la hipótesis de que ambas vivencias forman los estados límite de la vida consciente. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar las características esenciales de dichas vivencias y para ello seguimos los textos más relevantes de la tradición fenomenológica, especialmente los de Husserl y Sartre. Los de Husserl dedicados al cuerpo vivido y a las sensaciones táctiles, por un lado, y los dedicados a (...)
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    El orden dinámico del ser.Pau Giralt Sos - 1993 - Barcelona: PPU.
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    Living Life Through Sport: The Transition of Elite Spanish Student-Athletes to a University Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.Pau Mateu, Eduard Inglés, Miquel Torregrossa, Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques, Natalia Stambulova & Anna Vilanova - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Comprender una institución primitiva.Pau Arnau - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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    Grondin, Jean: Sources of Hermeneutics, State Univeristy of New York Press, Albany, 1995, 193 págs.Pau Arnau - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (2):477-479.
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  16. Liberales y libertadores.Pau Arnau - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 23:347-352.
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    Four Poems.Ricardo Pau-Llosa - 2015 - Arion 23 (2):29.
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    Georg Simmel: variazioni estetiche.Federica Pau & Luca Vargiu (eds.) - 2024 - Milano: Meltemi.
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    Manual de escapología: teoría y práctica de la huida del mundo.Antonio Pau - 2019 - Madrid: Trotta.
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    (1 other version)Three Poems.Ricardo Pau-Llosa - 2017 - Arion 25 (2):11.
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    Cooperación con el mal, la teoría de la acción y el mandato de anticoncepción.Pau Agulles Simo - 2018 - Persona y Bioética 22 (1):76-89.
    The debate concerning the so-called U.S. Health and Human Services Contraception Mandate has been adequately framed, in the academic field, within the traditional ethical doctrine on cooperation with evil. This principle will allow us to conclude whether employers may ethically comply with the onerous existing law or not. The discussion has been quite heated, because the practical conclusions authors have reached vary widely, depending on which interpretation of the theory they rely on. In this paper, some of these explanations are (...)
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  22. Sull'obiezione di coscienza.Pau Agulles Simó, Pablo Requena Meana & Claudio Sartea - 2011 - Acta Philosophica 20 (1):163 - 176.
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    Bernard Williams’ legitimate authority between universalism and relativism.Pau Luque - forthcoming - Jurisprudence:1-26.
    This paper is divided into two main parts. In the first half, I identify a tension within Bernard Williams’ political realist conception of political legitimacy. On the one hand, he was committed to a peculiar universalist criterion of political legitimacy – what is politically unacceptable is summed up in the old Catholic saying quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus creditum est. On the other, he supported the idea that what counts as political legitimacy depends on what we, in the (...)
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    Development and Validation of a Script Concordance Test (SCT) to Evaluate Ethical Reasoning Ability Among First and Fifth Year Students in a Medical School.Allan Pau, Saraswathy Thangarajoo, Vijaya Paul Samuel, Lai Chun Wong, Pak Fong Wong, Patricia Matizha, Sivalingam Nalliah & Vishna Devi Nadarajah - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (2):193-204.
    A script concordance test was developed as an innovative tool for assessing ethical reasoning ability. An SCT of 12 medical ethical vignettes were constructed from the UNESCO Casebook on Human Dignity and Human Rights. The vignettes were reviewed by a panel of 15 medical experts before administration to a panel of 18 clinicians. The clinician’s answers were used to constitute the scoring key. The SCT was then administered to first and final year medical students. Data were analysed using SPSS. Internal (...)
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  25. Conflictos prácticos genuinos y racionalidad práctica. Una solución modal.Pau Luque & Alessandro Torza - 2018 - In Daniel Gonzalez Lagier & Sebastián Figueroa Rubio (eds.), Libertad, razón y normatividad La vigencia del pensamiento de G. H. von Wright a cien años de su nacimiento. Lima: Palestra.
  26. Ciencias humanas Y cuidado de si: El conde de shaftesbury. Una aproximacion foucaultiana.Pau Arnau - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 22:9-15.
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  27. Th. W. Adorno: filosofía crítica y la vanguardia musical del siglo XX.Pau Frau Buron - 2012 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 39:201-212.
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    Dissecting the cannabinergic control of behavior: The where matters.Arnau Busquets-Garcia, Tifany Desprez, Mathilde Metna-Laurent, Luigi Bellocchio, Giovanni Marsicano & Edgar Soria-Gomez - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (11):1215-1225.
    The endocannabinoid system is the target of the main psychoactive component of the plant Cannabis sativa, the Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This system is composed by the cannabinoid receptors, the endogenous ligands, and the enzymes involved in their metabolic processes, which works both centrally and peripherally to regulate a plethora of physiological functions. This review aims at explaining how the site‐specific actions of the endocannabinoid system impact on memory and feeding behavior through the cannabinoid receptors 1 (CB1R). Centrally, CB1R is widely distributed (...)
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  29.  12
    Rule of Law y casos recalcitrantes.Pau Luque - 2020 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (14):217.
    Según una sofisticada versión del llamado rule of law, las reglas del derecho deben ser generales, en el sentido de que deben regular clases de casos, no situaciones particulares. La posibilidad de prever cuáles van a ser las decisiones jurídicas depende, entre otras cosas, de este carácter general de las normas. Pero junto a la previsibilidad y certeza que aporta, el carácter general de las reglas puede tener un reverso negativo: en algunas ocasiones, cuando se aplican a algunas circunstancias particulares, (...)
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  30.  26
    La experiencia estética y los estratos de la obra de arte. La estética como la esencia del arte.Pau Pedragosa - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:265.
    El contenido de este artículo consiste en mostrar que la experiencia estética es la esencia de la experiencia de la obra de arte. Argumentaré en contra de la concepción del arte de Arthur C. Danto según la cual el arte moderno ya no requiere de la experiencia estética y este hecho determina el fin del arte. La experiencia estética permitiría dar cuenta del arte desde el Renacimiento hasta el siglo XIX pero el arte moderno del siglo XX solo puede ser (...)
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    Multiple Horizons: Phenomenology, Cubism, Architecture.Pau Pedragosa - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (6):747-764.
    Phenomenology is often described as a paradigm shift that calls for a re-assessment of inherited themes and concepts. One of its most important contributions is the central role given to the embodied subject as opposed to the conception of the disembodied subject that has dominated philosophy since Descartes. If perspectival painting best represents the paradigm of modern philosophy since the Renaissance, it is the multiple perspectives of Cubist painting that best represent the phenomenological paradigm. While the relationship between phenomenology and (...)
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    La crítica de Simone Weil a Marx: un referente para el pensamiento ecosocialista.Pau Matheu Ribera & Andrea Pérez-Fernández - 2022 - Isegoría 66:27-27.
    In this article we discuss the political thought of the French philosopher Simone Weil. In particular, we analyse two fundamental elements of her critique of Marxism, namely her reflections on the phenomenon of power and her critique of the theory of the unlimited development of productive forces. We do so in dialogue with two of the pioneers of the ecosocialist critique of Marx in Spain: Manuel Sacristán and Francisco Fernández Buey, both readers of Weil. The aim: to point out the (...)
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  33. ¿Cómo volver a dar un sentido a la palabra "Humanismo"?Pau Giralt - 1995 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 82:1-35.
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    Le arti e l'esperienza estetica: suoni, immagini e parole per Maria Barbara Ponti.Federica Pau, Luca Vargiu & Maria Barbara Ponti (eds.) - 2022 - Ancona: Affinità elettive.
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    Estética fenomenológica. La obra de arte arquitectónica.Pau Pedragosa - 2009 - Arbor 185 (736):355-367.
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    La filosofia com a ciència teòrica: la proposta de Timothy Williamson.Manel Pau - 2021 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 67:259-265.
    Timothy Williamson defensa que la filosofia és una ciència teòrica que s’ocupa d’investigar sobre la realitat, d’obtenir coneixement, i que ho fa construint teories, confrontant-les amb l’evidència, d’una manera sistemàtica, disciplinada i socialment organitzada, com les altres ciències. En aquest article es compara aquesta posició, d’una banda, amb la que considera que la filosofia és una reflexió de segon ordre sobre la ciència, la moral, la política, l’art…; i, de l’altra, amb la concepció de la filosofia com a guia de (...)
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  37. La transparencia desde el Parlamento.Francesc Pau Vall & Vicente Perea Florencio (eds.) - 2015 - Madrid: Tecnos.
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    Habitar, construir, pensar en el mundo tecnológico.Pau Pedragosa - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 3:361.
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    Bioethics in Mediterranean culture: the Spanish experience. [REVIEW]Ester Busquets, Begoña Roman & Núria Terribas - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (4):437-451.
    This article presents a view of bioethics in the Spanish context. We may identify several features common to Mediterranean countries because of their relatively similar social organisation. Each country has its own distinguishing features but we would point two aspects which are of particular interest¨: the Mediterranean view of autonomy and the importance of Catholicism in Mediterranean culture. The Spanish experience on bioethics field has been marked by these elements, trying to build a civic ethics alternative, with the law as (...)
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    Theology, Ethnography, and the Historicization of Idolatry.Joan Pau Rubiés - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (4):571-596.
    Early Christian writers defined idolatry around the monotheistic distinction between proper worship of the creator and vain worship of the creature, which they had inherited from Hellenistic Judaism. Despite the remarkable consensus about the validity of this theological analysis, the medieval synthesis was under severe strain throughout the early modern period, mainly because of the concept's extended range of application in the new contexts of religious controversy. In all these cases, deciding what practices constituted idolatry was open to debate. By (...)
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    Ortega y Gasset, J. Meditación de la técnica.Pau Sanchis Matoses - 2014 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 10:187-191.
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    La Concepción irenista de la constitución. Sobre la posibilidad de Una reconstrucción armónica Del contenido ético-sustantivo Del estado constitucional.Pau Luque - 2013 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 38:35-65.
    Este artículo explora la posibilidad de que las constituciones contemporáneas puedan ser interpretadas de manera armónica, es decir, irenista. Las objeciones más importantes a las que una concepción irenista de la constitución debería hacer frente son las objeciones de la incoherencia y de la inestabilidad. La primera afirma que la armonía no es posible porque se dan conflictos normativos entre los diversos componentes de las constituciones contemporáneas. La segunda afirma que no es posible una armonía de tipo universalista. Una concepción (...)
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    M. Freeden (2003). Ideology: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Pau Sanchis Matoses - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 9:169-172.
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    Decorated Jewish Ossuaries.Barbara Geller Nathanson & Pau Figueras - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):836.
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    The pursuit of computational justice in open systems.Jeremy Pitt, Dídac Busquets & Régis Riveret - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (3):359-378.
    Many open networks, distributed computing systems, and infrastructure management systems face a common problem: how to distribute a collectivised set of resources amongst a set of autonomous agents of heterogenous provenance. One approach is for the agents themselves to self-organise the allocation of resources with respect to a set of agreed conventional rules; but given an allocation scheme which maps resources to those agents and a set of rules for determining that allocation scheme, some natural questions arise—Is this allocation fair? (...)
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  46. Truth and Proofs. From Tarski's Convention T to Game Theory.Christian Bassac & Joan Busquets - 2021 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk & Mieszko Tałasiewicz (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy of Language. Boston: BRILL.
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    Using Network Science to Analyse Football Passing Networks: Dynamics, Space, Time, and the Multilayer Nature of the Game.Javier M. Buldú, Javier Busquets, Johann H. Martínez, José L. Herrera-Diestra, Ignacio Echegoyen, Javier Galeano & Jordi Luque - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    During the last decade, Network Science has become one of the most active fields in applied physics and mathematics, since it allows the analysis of a diversity of social, biological and technological systems [24]. From the diversity of applications of Network Science, in this Opinion paper we are concerned about its potential to analyse one of the most extended group sports, Football (soccer in U.S. terminology) [29], since it allows addressing different aspects of the team organization and performance not captured (...)
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    Justicia dialógica para la última palabra: por una argumentación deliberativa entre los jueces, la ciudadanía y las Cortes.Paúl Córdova Vinueza - 2017 - Quito, D.M.: Corporación de Estudios y Publicaciones.
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  49. La experiencia platónica en la Inglaterra decimonónica.Pau Gilabert - 2004 - Synthesis (la Plata) 11:169-175.
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  50. Autonomía y beneficencia. Dos principios en tensión.Ester Busquets I. Alibés - 2006 - In Michael Cheng-Teh Tai, Begoña Román & Cristian Palazzi (eds.), Hacia una sociedad responsable: reflexiones desde las éticas aplicadas. [Cabrils, Spain]: Prohom.
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